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you are here: Home Sardinia Sardinian West Coast Portoscuso


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The town's name derives from the Spanish words "puerto escuso" (hidden port). It is a municipality in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias, located South of Capo Altano, opposite to the island of San Pietro, on the southwest coast of Sardinia. It is a famous seaside resort and an industrialized center, but an important income is given from fishing and for the presence of a modern port area.
Portoscuso is the perfect destination for bird observers as home for different species of birds such as pink flamingo, that find an ideal habitat in the lake of Boi Cerbus.
The main centre was founded in the XVI century and was a fishing village inhabited only in certain periods of the year: it was inhabited only by fishermen in search of coral and tuna fish. At the time the main urban core grew considerably around the artificial tuna trap of Su Pranu. In the XVII century it was already illustrated in the nautical charts of those ages. Repeatedly sacked by pirates, in 1660 the town submitted a major attack in which several inhabitants lost their lives, while others were taken prisoner. Finally, in the XIX century, thanks to the presence of the English fleet, the raids came to an end. In 1853 the town was proclaimed municipality.

- the Church of Santa Maria of Itria, which features a simple façade interrupted only by a circular rose window. The structure is flanked by a massive Bell Tower with a square base;
- the Church of San Giovanni Battista, which is enriched with beautiful mosaics;
- the Church of St. Anthony;
- the XVI century Spanish watchtower, named so because it was built by the Spanish after their conquest of these lands. It features a solid truncated cone shaped building, erected on a small rocky promontory overlooking the sea and was built to protect the area from the pirate raids;
- the Tuna fish trap, a trapezoidal shaped factory, erected in the second half of the XVI century for the slaughtering of tuna fish and the preparation of its specialities;
- the Phoenician Necropolis of San Giorgio;
- the numerous coves and beaches.
- the Columbus seafront promenade.


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